Health and Safety Representative (HSR)
Accelerated Training Is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 41474) and Is a SafeWork NSW Approved Training Provider.
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Health and Safety Representative (HSR)
A Health and Safety Representative (HSR) is a person who has been elected to represent a workgroup within an organisation. The HSR will monitor safety measures, investigate complaints and inquire into risk to the Health and Safety of relevant workers. There are additional powers that a HSR can exercise upon receiving the 5 day training course:
- Direct unsafe work to cease when necessary.
- Issuing of provisional improvement notice when necessary (P.I.N)
Participants will be trained to meet the requirement of the WHS legislation and become equipped to perform an active and competent role as a HSR in the workplace. This is a 5-day training which is offered either 1 day per week for 5 weeks in total or 5 consecutive days. We can offer this course on-site if required.
We are approved to deliver this training by safe Work NSW.
Course Details
- Delivery Time: 5 Days
- Dates: Monthly
- Time: 8:30 am – 4:00 pm
- Cost: $1100 per person. Negotiable for groups.
- Venue: On-site
Learning outcomes:
After completing the training program, participants should have information, knowledge and skill in the following areas:
- WHS Act legislative framework
- The role and functions of SafeWork NSW and their interaction with HSRs
- Duties and responsibilities of PCBUs, officers, workers and other parties under the legislation
- The nature of the consultation process with workers as required of the primary PCBU by the Act
- The purpose and formation of a workgroup (or workgroups) within the workplace
- Election process for HSRs / Deputy HSRs and disqualification provisions
- Health and Safety Committees (HSCs)
- The entitlements, rights and protections of an elected HSR/Deputy HSR
- Using negotiation, communication and problem solving skills and strategies as a HSR to represent a work group and to resolve work health and safety issues
- Risk management and the use of risk controls, including the duties and responsibilities of various PCBUs under the legislation
Participants will also have an opportunity to practice their skill throughout the training.
- Health and Safety Representative (HSR)
The target audience for delivery of this course includes all elected HSRs under the WHS Act who have requested approved training to gain an understanding of the management of work health and safety under the WHS legislation and their role and entitlements as HSRs.
The Australian Skills and Qualification Authority (ASQA) requires that students be aware of their rights and responsibilities once they have selected their training provider. Your rights and responsibilities can be found in our Student Agreement that should be read BEFORE enrolling into any of our courses.
Accelerated Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 41474).
Our Courses

The Australian Skills and Qualification Authority (ASQA) require that students be aware of their rights and responsibilities once they have selected their training provider.
Your rights and responsibilities can be found in our Learner Handbook that should be read before enrolling into any of our courses.