Traffic Control Combo ( Qualifies you to work as a traffic controller)
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Traffic Control Combo
The Traffic Control Combo course is designed to prepare you with the skills and knowledge to work safely and effectively in the traffic management industry. It applies to those who would like to work in live traffic environments in a supervisory or operational role in NSW to set up and pack up a traffic control worksite OR control traffic using a stop/slow bat and portable traffic control devices.
The Traffic Control Combo course includes seven (7) units of competency spread over two (2) days of face-to-face training + one (1) day of practical assessment.
- RIIWHS302E — Implement traffic management plans
- RIIRIS301E — Apply risk management processes
- RIIWHS303 — Position, set up and program portable traffic control devices
- RIIWHS201E — Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- RIICOM201E — Communicate in the workplace
- RIIWHS205E — Traffic Controller
- RIIWHS303 — Control traffic with portable traffic control devices and temporary traffic signs
These units describe the skills and knowledge required to work as a Traffic Management Implementer and Traffic Controller in NSW.
Course Details
- Delivery Time: 2 days of face-to-face training + 1 day of practical assessment.
- Dates: Tuesday+ Wednesday ( Training Days) & Thursday ( Assessment day) Weekly
- Time: 8:30am-330pm
- Cost: $600 (includes training and assessment)
- Venue: 34 Baan Baan Street, Dapto NSW 2530, OR on-site upon request, Australia-wide
The seven (7) units of competency that are a part of this course are designed to provide knowledge and practical experience relevant to the roles of a Traffic Management Implementer and Traffic Controller.
The following topics will be covered:
- RIIWHS302E – Implement traffic management plans
- Identify, address and report potential risks, hazards and environmental issues.
- Determine worksite requirements, confirm suitability of traffic management plan and traffic guidance scheme and resource personnel to implement.
- Communicate will all personnel to provide instructions for implementation.
- Check signs and devices are positioned according to traffic guidance scheme, inspect the traffic guidance scheme and authorise work crews to proceed.
- Confirm traffic flow is being monitored and apply adjustments to traffic guidance scheme were necessary.
- Address roadwork crew and road user non-conformance and apply workplace policies and procedures to address.
- Cover and removal signs and devices according to the traffic guidance scheme.
- Confirm tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained, stored and required reporting is completed.
- RIIRIS301E – Apply risk management processes
- Access, interpret and apply compliance documentation and procedures.
- Identify, assess and select the most appropriate controls for the identified hazards and risks, determining the likelihood, consequence and risk level.
- Conduct analysis of feasible risk controls, including the identification of resource requirements.
- Communicate potential hazards, risks, risk controls and their implementation to relevant duty holders.
- Source the criteria for determining the acceptability or unacceptability of risk and evaluate different risks.
- Document risk management plan and resources required for risk controls and obtain authorisation for these controls.
- Monitor and review risk management documentation.
- Seek authority, in writing to amend risk management documentation
- RIIWHS205E – Control traffic with a stop-slow bat
- Select and wear personal protective equipment required for work activities.
- Access, interpret and apply required workplace policies, procedures, jurisdictional safety, environmental protection requirements and emergency procedures.
- Select tools and equipment, check for serviceability and rectify faults according to workplace policies and procedures.
- Adjust approved communication devices.
- Direct traffic using hand held stop-slow bat, using visibly clear and unobstructed hand signals as required and position waiting vehicles as required.
- Monitor traffic and adjust for changing traffic conditions.
- Communicate messages to other personnel, confirm recipient understanding and clarify as required.
- Check and perform maintenance on approved communication devices according to job requirements.
- Check communications contact after nominated period of non-contact.
- Report traffic offenders according to workplace policies and procedures.
- Confirm and remove signs and devices in line with job requirements and cover as required.
- Clean, check and store tools and equipment.
- Report environmental damage and potential for future damage
- RIIWHS303 – Position, set up and program portable traffic control devices
- Access, interpret and apply traffic guidance scheme and other documentation for portable traffic control devices and confirm work activity is compliant.
- Perform site specific risk assessments and position and set up portable traffic control devices according to traffic guidance scheme.
- Confirm safe location of traffic controllers while operating portable traffic control devices.
- Select, apply and change signal sequence of portable traffic control devices and provide
guidance and correction to traffic control personnel. - Monitor traffic flow and confirm the portable traffic control device is performing according to job requirements.
- Confirm shut-down procedures and removal procedures are conducted according to manufacturer specifications and traffic guidance scheme.
- Confirm inspections, fault finding and maintenance are conducted according to manufacturers specifications and workplace policies and procedures.
- Confirm portable traffic control devices, temporary traffic signs, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored according to workplace policies and procedures.
- RIIWHS206 – Control traffic with portable traffic control devices and temporary traffic signs
- Select and wear personal protective equipment and confirm work activities and traffic conditions by performing site specific risk assessment.
- Select tools and equipment, check for serviceability, and rectify faults and report according to workplace policies and procedures.
- Confirm portable traffic control devices and traffic controllers are positioned according to traffic guidance scheme.
- Monitor traffic flow to ensure portable traffic control devices are performing according to job requirements.
- Monitor traffic flow to confirm temporary traffic signs are placed according to job requirements.
- Confirm portable traffic control devices and temporary traffic signs are moved according to traffic guidance scheme.
- Confirm portable traffic control devices, temporary traffic signs, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained and stored according to workplace policies and procedures.
- RIIWHS201E – Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- Obtain, access, interpret and confirm work requirements, documentation, procedures, site plans, transport rules and signage.
- Identify, act on and report breaches of worksite safety.
- Establish a clean, tidy and safe working area.
- Obtain permits and clearances before work is carried out.
- Apply safe manual handling procedures.
- Identify and apply site procedures.
- Recognise and respond to alarms.
- Carry out isolation of energy sources and immobilisation of potential energy sources.
- Identify and clarify responsibility when responding to emergency situations.
- Apply basic firefighting techniques.
- Identify emergency escape routes and procedures.
- Identify risks to personal wellbeing and recognise preventative strategies.
- Identify, address and report situations which may endanger others.
- Comply with all work health and safety policies.
- Recognise and report incident and injuries to relevant personnel and according to workplace policies and procedures.
- Contribute to workplace incident investigations.
- RIICOM201E – Communicate in the workplace
- Obtain, interpret, confirm and access work requirements, documentation and procedures.
- Identify, access, apply and use communication equipment and system components and apply systems safety procedures.
- Establish and maintain communication with others by communicating cooperatively and effectively both on a two-way radio and face-to-face.
- Identify and select the most appropriate method of communication.
- Acknowledge and respond to communication.
- Pass on communications to others in a clear and concise manner.
- Follow safety procedures, including the passing of reports and observance of local
communications and emergency procedures. - Identify and report faults in communications equipment.
- Speak clearly, listen carefully and ask questions to promote understanding and confirm meaning of information.
- Maintain communication with others and use site approved signalling methods to convey information.
- Participate in discussion to obtain information and clarify information.
Students who successfully complete this Nationally Recognised Training will be awarded a Statement of Completion in:
- RIIWHS302E — Implement traffic management plans
- RIIRIS301E — Apply risk management processes
- RIIWHS303 — Position, set up and program portable traffic control devices
- RIIWHS201E — Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures
- RIICOM201E — Communicate in the workplace
- RIIWHS205E — Traffic Controller
- RIIWHS303 — Control traffic with portable traffic control devices and temporary traffic signs
Note: The student will also be issued with a Statement of Completion (SOC) as a temporary certificate so as to allow students to start working in the industry whilst Safe Work NSW issues the Traffic Control Work Card for Traffic Controller and Traffic Management Implementer.
Target students of this unit are those who aim to work in a supervisory or operational role in the traffic management industry as either a Traffic Management Implementer or Traffic Controller.
These students generally work under supervision to undertake a prescribed range of functions to ensure safe and effective work outcomes in the traffic management industry.
- Ability to read appropriate signage for the tasks required and understands clear consistent formats that are written in simple sentences
- Interpret instructions and information from notices, forms and other forms of written instructions
- Writes short texts with simple structures.
- Fills in details on simple forms and can complete workplace checklists
- Records simple and routine information
- Asks simple questions and makes statements with reasonable effectiveness where this involves short utterances and highly familiar content.
- Can use a range of nonverbal communication support such as gestures and facial expressions to express meaning.
- Can describe a routine task, using workplace specific vocabulary as appropriate supported by body language.
- Communicates using radio equipment, e.g. to report to base on a location or field emergency
- Locates and recognises simple, everyday mathematical information in highly familiar short and simple oral and or written materials.
- Ability to calculate braking distances and speed of oncoming traffic
- Follows simple instructions and can measure content, time and distance
The Australian Skills and Qualification Authority (ASQA) requires that students be aware of their rights and responsibilities once they have selected their training provider. Your rights and responsibilities can be found in our Student Agreement that should be read BEFORE enrolling into any of our courses.
Accelerated Training is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO 41474).
Our Courses

The Australian Skills and Qualification Authority (ASQA) require that students be aware of their rights and responsibilities once they have selected their training provider.
Your rights and responsibilities can be found in our Learner Handbook that should be read before enrolling into any of our courses.